Author Archives: Michael Humphrey

Amberley Museum

Amberley Museum

Pupils from Manor Green College, Ifield chose to visit Amberley Museum with GLCT on 23rd May 2024, so their trip coincided with school Science Week. GLCT arranged the day for the students with a chance to ride on the narrow-gauge railway; or ride in one of the historic buses (and receive a bus ticket each!); or… Continue Reading

Toy & Collectors’ Fair, Ashington

Toy & Collectors’ Fair, Ashington

Another first for GLCT was the chance to run a stall at the Toy &Collectors’ Fair, in Ashington Village Centre. Lucky to be given a prime site, 40 collectible dolls (generously donated bya kind local lady)  were displayed early on Sunday 12th May 2024 ready to gonew homes. Unfortunately this event was on the warmest… Continue Reading

Jim Green Challenge

Jim Green Challenge

Teams of students from Manor Green College, Ifield and Woodlands Meed College, Burgess Hill took part in the Jim Green Challenge at the South of England Showground on 13th March 2024. Each September schools decide which elements of the competition to take part in, and start to plan their work. This 26th year of the Challenge was… Continue Reading

A tribute to Father Christmas

A tribute to Father Christmas

At the end of December 2024 we received the shocking news that the man who had brought Father Christmas to life on many GLCT projects had died unexpectedly. Unknown to many people Mick had stepped into the role for our charity for a number of years – both at the GLCT Late Christmas Party and… Continue Reading

Students enjoy the opera at Glyndebourne

Students enjoy the opera at Glyndebourne

College students from Woodlands Meed College, Burgess Hill and Grove Park,Crowborough with parents, carers or school staff were treated to a wonderful time atGlyndebourne on Wednesday 19 th October 2022 to enjoy ‘The Marriage of Figaro’helped by the Golden Lion Children’s Trust. It was a very special and memorableexperience for all involved. Most had never… Continue Reading