Sunday 25th June 2023

It is widely believed that few charities have their logo emblazoned on an aircraft as Golden Lion Children’s Trust have.

And few charities are included in a reunion Garden Party event as the GLCT were once again this year.

While temperatures were ideal for the event at Slinfold Airfield, the wind speed was not ideal for securing gazebos or displaying brochures, Newsletters or items to be sold.
Instead time was spent chatting to guests about the work of GLCT and most were astonished to realise this is the 50th Year since the charity was founded, and most were happy to explain their involvement in the early days of the GLCT.
GLCT are very grateful to Richard for his continued help and efforts for the charity; to Roger and Chris for once again organising and manning the flight simulator; and for all the interest and support of the 100 former BCal guests for the Golden Lion Children’s Trust at this special event.