30th June 2019 was a very breezy Sunday when GLCT arrived at Slinfold to raise funds and enjoy the chance to chat with many people who had worked for BCal and supported Golden Lion Children’s Trust in the early days.

100 ex-BCal folk, together with those who formerly had connections to British Caledonian, enjoyed the reunion lunch stopping at the GLCT stall as they crossed to the marquee, pausing to admire the G-CHIP or consider a flight in the Piper Cherokee flight simulator built by Roger Cato.

15 minutes island hopping in the Carribean? Sight-seeing South Island, New Zealand? Or negotiating under the bridges down the Thames.
So many choices!

They could also wonder at the “Spirit of Laurie” thanks to Richard Heywood flying this special aircraft in for the event.
How many other charities have an aircraft displaying their logo so proudly?
And how many other charities are invited to fund-raise at such an event as this?
Our thanks to Chris Dacey and every ex-BCal person who made the GLCT so welcome on that summer afternoon.